Saturday, February 13, 2010

Olympics - Day 2

all in a row, originally uploaded by Jenn Platt.
Big ducks all in a row.*

Today I crossed the border and went hunting for more event tickets.  What I found instead was the longest line I'd ever seen (and that was just to get into the Olympic merchandise store at the Hudson Bay Company), people in red mittens milling in the street, and the Olympic flame protected from rabid picture takers by no less than three fences. You would think that anything that looked that much like the Fortress of Solitude could handle a few tourists leaning on the base.

Tomorrow it's all Olympic coverage on the big screen TV at home and trying to figure out the buses to get us to Cypress Mountain for Snowboarding on Thursday.  And maybe some pictures of the lovely mountains.  If they ever peek out from behind the clouds. 

*Look! I figured out how to make the pictures link back to flickr where the rest of the pictures from the day are uploaded.

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